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Re: side curtain rebuild doable?

To: Robert Klips <>
Subject: Re: side curtain rebuild doable?
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 07:41:39 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <>
It sounds like if you want them within a year, you'd best find someone
else than TRF to do them, cost not withstanding.

If you've got enough of you side curtains left to duplicate, your local
person should be able to do the rebuild easily. This has the advantage
of giving you someone you know who you can take it to for repairs (and
you will need repairs at some point) when it gets damaged.

On the other hand, many side curtains require welding to fix them. The
frames I had, which hadn't been touched sisnce 1960, were not only
rusted away in a couple of spots, they were cracked. This must have
happened long ago. TRF will weld them during the rebuild. You'll have to
inspect them and get someone to weld them if they require it. Then'
you'll have to have them sandblasted and painted. This is all before you
can turn them over to the sailmaker.

By the way, I found the fit of the sliding windows on the side curtains
to be poor, but not having had original windows to compare to, I'm not
sure if it was me, the side curtains, or the cut of the windows. I ended
up trimimg them slightly on a bandsaw.

I did purchase all of my side curtain rebuild material from TRF. All of
it was good.

Robert Klips wrote:
> Hi listers,
> With respect to my TR3A resto, I see TRF is offering a good deal on side
> curtain rebuild parts for a short time only. Mine are shot. But they also
> offer a rather expensive ($400 per pair I think) rebui;ld service, implying
> that its pretty tricky work.
> Can anyone advise me:
> Should I:
> 1) buy this side curtain equipment and hire a local canvas/awning/sailmaker
> type person (who is well thought of) to do the rebuild at less cost to me
> but maybe not as well as TRF would do it, or
> 2) Gp with the TRF serve, hence don't but the parts on sale for a short
> time only?
> Anybody done. or had done, side curtain rebuild, have sage wisdom and
> advice here?
> I'd appreciate it very much.
> Thanks.
> Bob Klips

George Richardson
The Wyvern - '57 TR3, TS15559L - Now on the road!

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