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Re: Fred Thomas

To: RICHARD JACKSON <>, TR List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Fred Thomas
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 15:47:02 -0500
richard jackson writes:

>> > >ps, I was reading the other day that Fred Thomas fired the first
>> > >shot in WWI, is this 'our' Fred, do you have British ancestry??? :-)
>> >
>> > Rich!
>> >
>> > How old do you think Fred is, anyway???
>> >
>Hmmm, I think it may be more diplomatic to just answer 'No Comment'  :-)

A "No Comment" from you???  Give me a break!

>> > He can't be as old as I feel!
>Or as old as my car 'looks'!!!! :-)
>> Got a good bead on the Kaiser, huh, Fred??!
>> --
>> Michael Ferguson
>> Vernon CT
>Wasn't a Kaiser also a make of US car?  Or am I talking crap(again)?

Yep.  The Kaiser-Fraisier, I beleve.

>ps, does crap have the same definition in the US as it does here?

Does "Wopping great lorry" mean the same thing over there as it does here?



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