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Re: Jackson: US vs. British beer

To: richard jackson <>
Subject: Re: Jackson: US vs. British beer
From: Michael Ferguson <>
Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 14:03:43 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <Pine.3.89.9812030827.A13601-0100000@bluestem> <>

"...then all the hot air will come my way!!!"

Thought you had quite enough of that already!

(Sorry, couldn't resist after what you did to me on your "first" day on the 

Michael Ferguson
Vernon CT

richard jackson wrote:

> > > practically everyone in the pub looked on!!!!   Oh well, it was my
> > > birthday so it don't count, although at the grand old age of 29 now I
> > > should know better I suppose! :-)
> > >
> >         Gad, twenny-nine... I have  a Triumph that's older than him...
> >         Suddenly, I feel ancient...
> >
> >
> I work in a college of mainly 18-20 years, where I feel OLD!!!  Luckily this
> year the intake is about 60% female!!!!  :-)
> >         Pr`apps  your heater doesn't like you very much... Have you made
> >         obiesance to the appropriate diety? Mebbe a marmot has crawled into
> >         your heater and joined the choir invisible...
> >
> >         Of course, it could be sommat mechanical
> >
> Hmmm, maybe I could weld the little flap up on the passenger side (NO crude
> comments please, I'm English :-)) then all the hot air will come my way!!!  
> Now hows this for a weird one, my ignition timing went totally wrong the other
> day, the dizzy had turned quite a bit in the clockwise direction for some
> unknown reason, on investigation it turned out that the rev counter drive 
> had been putting a lateral force on the dizzy body and gradually spinning in
> round and ruining the timing.  took the drive cable off and the problem went
> away!!!  Spooky eh!
> Rich
> '73 Spitfire MkIV
> crude joke time again!  Delete NOW if offended.
> What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker? A hooker can wash
> her crack and sell it again!

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