Hi Listers: It has been very rewarding for me to read all of the
different views about the thread I started concerning Charles essay.
Frankly, the split of replies is as follows: about 1/3 flamed me
(politely) about 1/3 agreed and the rest didn't care. Sounds like our
elections lately.
Owning a small business of my own for over 20 years has taught me that
the most important way to fulfill MY dreams and desires is brought about
by wonderful EMPLOYEES. I may give direction, but THEY are the catalyst
which creates success. That is all I was trying to say.
This is what I do not see in his writings-his employees deserve more
recognition for the work they do. (Only one of you mentioned even
knowing one by name.)
The word used most often in the writings we are discussing is I.... The
word, in my opinion should be WE.
I will now shut up, and let's talk about cassette decks for a while
Dennis Barr I will now go to the corner if you like.