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Pale Yellow, Velasquez Cream, et al

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Pale Yellow, Velasquez Cream, et al
From: (don pikovnik)
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 07:51:16 -0500 (EST)

Some of you may have seen earlier postings of mine regarding my color book
project. My company manufactures color cards and I plan to produce a series
of books of authentic British car colors including Jaguar, Austin-Healey,
MG, and Triumph.

After discovering that 99% of the original colors for these marques are in
the ICI color database, I invested in the ICI mixing system in order to
spray sample panels we can use for color matching purposes. To date, I have
sprayed 150 or so colors including all the AH colors, 90% of the Jag colors,
and about half the Triumph colors.  (Sorry MG'ers, but I'm getting there)

The point of my posting here is to assure you all that ICI can mix any color
that was standard for Triumphs.  I also have assurances from ICI that the
colors are correct matches to the original, in fact the ICI database
includes a qualitative measure of the color match called a "match category".

BTW, I have not yet sprayed sprayed Velasquez Cream (ICI 3368). I have
sprayed Pale Yellow (aka Primrose) ICI 3220.

ICI customer service can be reached at 1-800-647-6050. I do not work or have
a financial interest in ICI.  I use and recommend their product for two reasons:

1. virtually any historic British car color is mixable (if a particular
color is not already in their database, I can request a match be done to the
orignal standard at which time it is added to the database)

2. the service I get at ICI is second to none.

Yours truly,

Don Pikovnik
TS59418 in big pieces

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