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To: "Triumphs" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: TR6 IS BACK HOME!!!
From: "Craig & Karen Bentley" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 22:40:08 -0500
Hello lististiers, Just needed to tell someone that my TR6 is finally back
home. It spent the better part of 9 months at the body shop. Funny thing  is
that to the untrained eye ( mainly my wife ) it doesn't look a whole lot
different than when it left. To me however the change is nothing short of
miraculous. the door gaps are almost perfect (at least as perfect as them
Brits made them!!!) and the rear deck extension/ fender fit is excellent.
The car has not looked better in at least five years!!!! While the light at
the end of the tunnel is still quite dim (still not sure if its a train
coming at me or not ) its a lot brighter than it used to be. I still have A
LOT of work to do and I'm sure that my finger prints will no longer be as
defined as they are now,  I can say with some degree of confidence that come
this summer another TR6 will have been resurrected from the great rust god
in the sky..   More news later and thanks for the bandwidth.............

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