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Re: TR6 frame reenforcements (again)

To: "Ronald A. Dowty" <>, "Triumphs Mailing List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: TR6 frame reenforcements (again)
From: (John Haynes)
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 09:48:17 -0500 (EST)
At 11:47 AM 11/2/98 -0600, Ronald A. Dowty wrote:
>I am posting this message again because I got NO responses last time and I
>am sure many of the persons on this list have done this procedure before.
>I need to buy some reenforcements for the known weak points on my '70 TR6's
>frame. Where is the best place to buy it? Are all of them the same? If not
>who has the best price? I have catalogs from Moss, TRF and Victoria British
>and none even have a good picture of what they're trying to sell...
>Also if anyone has gone down this road before let me know how it worked out.
>  I have done this project with good results. I had rust damage to the area
of the frame which the rear aluminum swing arms attach. I also had stress
damage to the mount bolts which hold the differential.My repairs were done
with the frame off the body. Only rudimentary repairs can be made without
removing the frame. If you have only slight rust through in the arm area I
might consider it. It is my guess that frame parts from the big three would
be difficult to obtain.
    My repairs were made with 12 ga. sheet metal. I made construction board
patterns, and took them to a local metal fabricator that has a sheer and a
brake. I cut and ground out the old metal with a reciprocating saw and a
high speed disc grinder. In some areas the entire section was removed in
others I placed the new metal over the old. I used a mig welder to weld the
seams and drilled holes and used plug welds where needed. I had the 4 dif.
mounting machined to the propper new length, and repalced the 8 sleaves that
are inside the frame that the swing arm brackets attach. I used the brackets
atached to the swing arms to bring the frame bolt holes into proper alignment.
    These areas of damage affect the majority of TR 6, 250, and 4 irs cars
and will ultimately remove them all from the road. It is therefore the most
important area to check when considering a purchase. 

Sam Haynes  TR3 original Owner

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