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DMV check & LBCs

To: The Usual Suspects <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: DMV check & LBCs
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 17:27:48 -0700 (PDT)
I drove the TR4 to school today.  (short day, so I can come home in

Had a bit of a scare though, the police had set up a checkpoint and were
stopping cars.  I got pulled over, they thought I had an exhaust leak!  My
carbs decided to get a little less adjusted this morning (I think) and I
was backfiring quite badly.

Anyway, the Department of Motor Vehicle guy crawled around and proclaimed
I had a new muffler!  (whew!)  So they had me test all the lights, wipers,
and horn and let me go.  I'm glad they didn't ding me for having a
non-stock exhaust (can they?), and I'm REAL glad my horn decided to work
first try this time.

So today's chore is to replace the starter solenoid (which has been acting
up) and also to try to tune the carbs a bit.  I haven't rebuilt them yet,
which may be in order, but I have to drive *something* tomorrow and am not
prepared to shell out too much time or money.  Soon, though.

Other than that it was a nice day.  Saw 2 tigers (or alpine/tiger) one was
broken down but I figured they had everything under control.  Also saw a
nice red 'B on the side of the road but it appeared that the driver was
busy relaxing (!) in the sun.  The gas station attendant asked me what I
was doing with my roof (it's white, rest o' car is green)... "jest fixin'

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