Why not teach him to drive the TR? Does he know how to drive a standard?
If driving a manual shift doesn't bother him as far as too much to worry about
during the test, go for it. Where I might draw the line is taking it out with
his friends and possibly wrecking it. I confess that I have let my 12 and 13
year old putter around a large parking lot in my TR3 and GT6. I feel I have
more control of things if something would go wrong because I can reach all the
controls. I wouldn't do the same in my Jag or full size van. For some reason
my kids like the GT better than the TR3. I think the rack and pinion steering
has something to do with it. I also plan to take my kids autocrossing in the
Triumphs to help them learn better car control. One of the guys that I autoX
with had his boy autox at 16 and said it improved his driving 150%. I
witnessed another 16 year old autocrossing his new Camaro. He learned, go
faster did not mean more gas. His first few passes were ugly (lots of munched
Sorry I got off the subject but, if he has the maturity to treat the car with
respect then why not.
Mike Thompson
59 TR3A
73 GT6
78 XJ6L