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Re: TR4A overdrive questions: Dan Masters-type question.

Subject: Re: TR4A overdrive questions: Dan Masters-type question.
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 21:32:44 EDT
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-10-15 12:12:58 EDT, you write:

<< My overdrive doesn't.  If I mechanically operate the lever,  the OD kicks
 and out properly, but I don't get any satisfaction, electrically.  The relay
 will click when the electric switch is operated when in appropriate gears,
 but the solenoid ignores me.
 You realise of course the car must be in gear for the electrics to work,
don't you? Do you have power at the solenoid? If not check the connections
first. You can check the solenoid by jumping it directly to a hot lead.
CAREFUL though you want to be sure nothing holds the plunger from going all
the way in. If powered and held back you'll fry the solenoid fast! 

 If the solenoid is bad, can I repair it?  How can I test the solenoid and
 relay for proper operation?  Is there a common kludge- I mean modification -
 for installing a manual operating lever?
Don't think the solenoids are serviceable. They are also about $100 new last I
checked. The OD electrical system is pretty basic - sometimes it can be a bit
tricky to get the inhibitor switches to work - but not brain surgery. A wiring
diagram, tester unit and some patience will usually point out the problem.

Manual lever sounds like a bad idea to me.

Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
62 TR3B
64 TR4
all w/ OD

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