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Re: Heat -> axles = BAAAAAD!

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Heat -> axles = BAAAAAD!
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 17:41:05 -0400 (EDT)

I was talking to one of my closest advisors regarding axles etc. and I 
mentioned in passing the application of heat in the disassembly of axles etc.

This person is a qualified aircraft mechanic with more than 40 years of 

Here's what I was told:


Reasoning: axles are tempered, the process involves heating the object 
(and presumably cooling it in a controlled manner) in order to align the 
metal grain to some optimum pattern. By heating these units, you 
basically destroy the temper.

The "neat" thing about this change of the temper is that the part will 
look perfectly fine, but will fail in dramatic fashion, when it decides 
to fail (like under heavy loading, or extreme shock etc.)

In some cases, such as a failed bearing, the localized heat will cause 
"blue-ing" on the surface of the metal. This is why you do not want to 
re-use axles that have bluing on the surface - you don't know what the 
state of the underlying metal is. 

So, for axles - heating is bad. Ever pop the clutch? How about streaking 
around corners sideways?? Think about what might happen if you were to 
lose control of your car when in one if these circumstances... BAAAAAD!

For all our safety - please don't heat your axles... or hub flanges or 
hub carriers...

I'm willing to discuss this matter further...


p.s. FWIW - I'm taking Ralph Janelli's advice about using a used wire 
wheel adapter to make a substitute Churchill tool. Wiil report to this 
list on the success.

p.p.s. If anyone out there has made "solid spacers" for the pinion gear 
on a TR6 diff or for the outer axle on TR6 (as in "substitute the crush 
collar with a solid piece"), please get back to me to compare notes. I 
want to make some really tough hubs for my next TR6. I'll be really 
beating on this car...
Bob Lang                Room N42-140Q          | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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