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Re: A Moss is a Moss(UK) is a Moss...

To: "Smith, Brian" <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: A Moss is a Moss(UK) is a Moss...
From: "Chris Lillja" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 15:52:54 EST5EDT
Organization: Princeton University Press
> From:          "Smith, Brian" <>
> To:            triumph owners digest <>
> Subject:       A Moss is a Moss(UK) is a Moss...
> Date:          Wed, 7 Oct 1998 14:09:54 -0500 
> Reply-to:      "Smith, Brian" <>

> When I asked Moss US why they didn't carry all the Hi-Pro parts that Moss UK
> carried they told me that ...

I think one of the factors why Moss dropped some of the TT stuff was that by 
the time 
Moss US marked up the UK prices repeatedly they were WAY out of line. I.E. 
Limited slip 
diff $1450 Cam $330, let alone Webers--but that's another story.... It's just 
that there 
are other guys who do it better, cheaper...

I'm happy Moss is consentrating on original parts-- someone should... I'm a bit 
about TRF, although I continue to have good luck with them...

P.S. it's not that there's anything wrong with the stuff from TRF (although 
TR2-4A catalogs are much better, at least until their big cat comes out) TRF 
continues to 
be my first chioce for original parts, I'm just worried about their survival...
Christopher M.Lillja
Marketing Associate
Princeton University Press
Tel:609 258 4900
Fax:609 258 6305

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