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RE: TR headlights

To: "'Linda Long (IM)'" <>
Subject: RE: TR headlights
From: (Gordon Buck)
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 10:01:13 -0700
Cc: "''" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
I believe the lights you are referring to are called Hight Intensity Discharge 
(HID) lights or something to that effect.  Car and Driver did a comparison test 
on lighting systems a few months back and included a BMW with that option.  
Rated very high.  I did happen to see such an after-market system offered 
through J.C. Whitney (of all places).  Not cheap.  They wanted $1,200 for it.  
Maybe in time cost will come down.  At that price it's a little steep for me.  
Don't know of any other places that sell them, but I'm sure there must be some. 
 Best of luck.

Gordon Buck
Sultan, Washington
71 TR6  CC62806

-----Original Message-----
From:   Linda Long (IM) []
Sent:   Monday, September 28, 1998 4:20 PM
To:     ''
Subject:        TR headlights

The time has come to replace the headlights on my TR4 (The thought going
through the eight-point buck's mind as I bear down on him at 65mph is
probably...."yeah right").  I recall a thread a few months ago about a
new type of headlight unit out that creates a more piercing "white or
blue/white" light...rather than the typical dim "yellowish" light.  I
think I have seen these lights on newer Mercedes.  Does anyone have
experience with these lights, what are they called and where are they
available.  I think the tread said they were available mail-order from
an outfit in Baltimore.


Tom Long
    "It's better to burn out than to rust"
                                 Neil Young


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