www.garynorth.com This Web sight will give you all the info and links to
others that you will ever care to learn about. I for one, am scared
sh--tless, concerning the whole thing. The more I read and study and
listen, the more very concerned I am becoming. I personally believe that
there is not enough money,programmers,time to stop what may very well
happen. I have heard from a conservative source, 70% chance, best case
senario that we will experience a global depression, hopefully not any
worse than the depression of the 30's, but then again their
production and transportation/distribution were not run on computers and 50
billion embedded chips.Not to mention our defense systems. Hopefully my
ride will be ready by then, so I can ride carefree for a while, before it
fits the fan! There will be brownouts and blackouts.
Phil Smith
69 TR6
85 Mustang 5.0 GT Convertible
" More Dreams Than Money"