Greetings all-
For those of you who followed JB and Amanda's trip from Cambridge MA to
Los Angeles earlier in the summer, we proudly present another way to waste
time and bandwidth. RoadTRip II: The Next Iteration! will begin (hopefully)
on Monday August 31st, as JB and Amanda (his 1970 TR6) will begin their trek
back across the country with a brief stop in Chicago.
Our heartfelt thanks to all those who wrote in offering support both material
and spiritual! This trip will, as the first was, be a bit of a 'speed run'
without much time for stops (which sucks) but we'll do our best to report on
the road, the hills and the flavor of the wind ( that burning belt rubber?
Or just that semi ahead? Hmmm...)
In any case, everyone is invited to tune in for updates at the Triumph TR6 Web:
...and check out the 'Editorial' section, which is where the RoadTRip semi-live
updates will be (email from my Newton during stops).
Cheers, and happy motoring-
J.B. ZImmerman (1969 New Yorker, Black/Jewish)
Amanda (1970 TR6, Laurel Green/New Tan)
Jacob ben-David Zimmerman can be found at: MIT/DACS
Faster, faster, faster, until the Thrill of Speed Overcomes the
Fear of Death. -Trent The Uncatchable/SEO