I went on my first vacation in 15 years last Wednesday, leaving my '78
Spitfire in the care of my sons; 18 & 20 yrs. So the 18yr old took it
out past his curfew and rolled it the very night we left. Fortunatly,
by the grace of God neither he or his passenger were injured.
If anyone is interested - the insurance company "totaled" it and it's
remains reside at Bushes Towing on Phillips Highway (U.S. 1) in
Jacksonville, Fl. Minilite wheels, new tires, good engine, new clutch
hydraulics, new u-joints & the rest of the car WAS in very good
condition. Someone should benifit from it's carcas.
I'm now looking for a TR 6 in the 4 - $6,000 range. I'm listening.
Talk to me!!