In a message dated 98-08-27 08:02:41 EDT, you write:
<< Well, actually there are two units, and it has to do with
different rear end ratios (3.7:1 vs 4.11:1) that were used.
Since the different rear ends usually corresponded to
whether or not an overdrive was fitted (although I suppose
you could order a non-OD car with an OD rear end) the OD
and non-OD cars had diffrerent speedos. I'll try to look
the part numbers up tonight (unless someone beats me to it).
Bruce Clough
You are correct, there are two different speedo's to correspond with the two
different rear ends. But my point is that the OD doesn't impact the "reading"
sent to the speedo via the cable. I found something in my TR3 parts book about
part #'s 505017 and 505018 which I believe are 4.1 rear axles. I interpret
that all cars with this rear end automatically came with OD as the car would
not have a high enough top speed without OD. Such cars of course had the
corresponding speedo, pt #113637.
But by no means did all cars with OD have the 4.1 rear end. Such cars would
have had a "normal" speedo.
I could be wrong on this but I do know the addition of OD doesn't impact the
Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
62 TR3B
64 TR4
all with OD and standard, pretty dog gone accurate, speedo's