Hi List,
After I sent this directly to Andy, I realised it might be of interest to
others as well.
Bob Hutton
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Hutton [mailto:bob@calc.com.au]
Sent: Friday, 28 August 1998 10:18
To: Andy
Subject: RE: Trailing arm bush insertion help needed
I'm assuming you're using Nylothane or similar bushes with a lip on each end
(like a cotton reel) and the loose steel bush.
The way to do it is to use a piece of 3/8 inch threaded rod (allthread?).
You need a short piece (5 inches) of pipe larger than the diameter of the
bush. This can be used for both extracting and inserting bushes. You need
some spacers or washers up to about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick, at least the
diameter of the nylon bush and with central holes just larger than the steel
bush, and a large THICK washer a bit larger than the 5 inch pipe with a 3/8
inch hole for the allthread.
On one side of your trailing arm you have the 3/8 nut, the THICK washer and
then the 5" pipe and then the trailling arm. On the other side of the arm
you have the nylothane bush, then the 3/4" of washers then a 3/8" washer
then the 3/8 nut. Leave about 5/8" of the inner steel bush protruding out of
the nylothane into the 3/4" of washers (which have central holes larger than
the bush). This allows the nylon to compress into the trailling arm followed
by the steel bush.
Use a bit of grease in the arm and on the nylon and start tightening up the
nut on the other side. After you've tighted up the nut it may be necessary,
if you're using the 'cotton reel' type bush to manually compress the end of
the bush to start it into the arm. Use a wide bladed screwdriver and hammer
(carefully!) on the very end of the nylon while it's under compression from
the nut you've tightened and it will pop into the arm, then just keep
tightening. When it pops out the other side of the arm, take the 3/4" of
spacer washers and the steel pipe off and retighten the nut to pull the
steel bush into the arm.
To extract bushes, do the same thing without the 3/4" of spacers but with
the ordinary 3/8 washer in place. Tighten the nut on the pipe end and draw
the bush into the pipe.
Bob Hutton
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-triumphs@autox.team.net
[mailto:owner-triumphs@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Friday, 28 August 1998 9:33
To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: Trailing arm bush insertion help needed
For those of you that have been there, done that, got the T-shirt. -- HELP.
All I'm doing is pushing the metal tube out of the rubber bush.
Andy D.