Hi All,
I think I've had the bug as long as any one else. In junior hi I was crazy
for cars, who knows, some people are just that way. My friends mother had
an austin healy sprite that was great fun to ride in, of course it didn't
happen often because there were 2 of us and she had to drive us. Any way
that was my first LBC experience, before that my babysitters boyfriend (now
husband) had a convertable mustang, new, '65, that made me 13 years old.
Loved that car too, baby blue with a white convertable top.
The next thing was the college guys up the street and he had a jag xke
convertable top, maroon if I remember. The color didn't really mater, what
a sleek car, but expensive! He use to give me a ride to my friends house
but never would let me drive it, of course I didn't even have my permit by
the time he moved away. So I began looking for a jag I could afford. Not
going to happen. I ended up with a VW bug, didn't every one start with
that, sold it later to replace the transmission in the GT6? At 19 a friend
of mine decided to sell his GT6, for me, $1,100, I love it, I have to have
it. It was awesome, that was in 1971. I had a great time driving it down
the hiway yesterday, got a "nice looking car" from a guy in a jeep at a
stop light when he caught up to me. I finally got the emmission thing
settled with a waiver and will go get the license plates renewed today over
my lunch hour. Can't wait another hour. So that's my story, I just love
hot cars.
'67 GT6