Dear Scions,
Since there were a couple of queries, I should correct myself as follows:
Benzene exposure is linked to leukemia, trichloroethylene exposure is
linked to liver cancer, and carbontetrachloride exposure is linked to
immune system abnormalities. Toluene exposure MAY be linked to
gastrointestinal cancer. This is no joke, 40% of male cancer
patients in Montreal have been exposed to solvents, and occupation as a
painter is consistently associated with a 40% chance of developing lung
cancer. Occupational exposure to gasoline and diesel oil may be associated
with renal (kidney) cancer.
Reference: Lynge E. Anttila A. Hemminki K.
Organic solvents and cancer. [Review] [91 refs]
Cancer Causes & Control. 8(3):406-19, 1997 May.