Last year I must have spent several weeks and 3 stud removers before
the head came off. You'll probably get several replies about the "rope
trick". It didn't work for me. But that doesn't mean it won't work
for you. Essentialy, I have to remove all 14(?) head studs to remove
the head. For the last one, I had to use a four foot metal rod attached
to my ratchet to get enough torque to remove it.
Good Luck,
Jeff N.
'72 TR6
At 04:41 PM 8/13/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I can't get the $%^* heads off of my engine. I am basically new and would be
>prone to stupid mistakes. Is there something I can do to make this thing
>come off easier? Am I missing something somewhere maybe?
Jeff C. Nathanson
Director of Product Development
Manufacturing Systems & Technologies, Inc.