I have a '75 Spitfire, just ordered a horn relay and a
parking/limit switch for the wiper motor that were missing when
I bought it. I need to know which wires go to the terminals -
the wiring diagrams don't really help here. Both are labeled
as Lucas parts.
The terminals on the horn relay aren't marked C1/C2/W1/W2.
They are labeled 85, 86, 87, and 30/51. The top terminal, labeled
87, is a brass color, and sits horizontal. The others are silver colored,
and vertical, like this:
- (87)
(86) | | (85)
| (30/51)
On my wiper motor, I have 3 wires (cut) coming from the motor. They are
blue, red, and yellow. One side of the switch has three terminals, one
horizontal on the end, and 2 running vertical on the side, like a capital L.
The other side of the switch has 5 terminals to accept the plastic mate for
the wires from the wiper switch. How do the wires from the motor connect
to the 3 terminals?