In case you haven't gotten a response yet, the procedure is detailed in
the factory workshop manual, so should be in Bentleys. I believe its
the same as for the 250/6.
First, reassemble the hub and axle, not tightening the two inner flat nuts,
(Moss parts 67 and 69) but torqueing the outer nut (Moss part 88) to
100-110 ft lbs (I think, the manual calls this the "inner driving flange to
inner axle" if its a 5/8"x18 nyloc then this is the nut.) Then you use the
two inner flat nuts to adjust the end float.
Finger tighten nut 69 up against the stoneguard. Mount a dial indicator
on the hub flange with the stylus against the bearing housing. Pull the
hub flange as far away from the bearing as possible and zero the gauge.
Rock the assembly to ensure the bearings are seated. Then push the
hub in and check the end float. Tighten the inner flat nut 69 very slowly
checking the float until within specs (0.004 to 0.002) If you overtighten
you have to pull the whole thing apart and start over with a new
collaspible spacer (Moss part 75) Use the outer flat nut 67 and the
tabwasher to lock nut 69 in place.
At 08:21 PM 8/3/98 -0400, Tom Winslow wrote:
>Sorry, I was in too much of a hurry and failed to provide enough detail.
>The MOSS Catalog, TR4A IRS Rear Axle, lists the following parts:
>Item 74, 525-110 Bearing, Inner
>Item 81, 525-120 Bearing, Outer
>There is either a torque specification or a clearance specification to use
>when reinstalling the rear axle. I need the data or procedure, etc from one
>of the repair manuals.
>Might it possibly be the same as in 'The Complete Official Triumph TR6 and
>TR250' by Robert Bentley?
>Also, I need to buy manuals for my 1966 TR4A IRS. Any one know where I can
>get them?
>Tom Winslow
>Thomas P. Winslow
>1966 TR4A IRS - CTC57665L <> 1968 TR250 - CD4783L <> 1968 TR250 - CD5272L
>189 Hicks Creek Road, Troutman, NC 28166
>h704-528-5868 * f704-528-5868 * p704-878-1157
>E-Mail: *
>Web Page: