Hello all,
Thanks, Peter, for mentioning the ATDI coming up this weekend. I thought
that I'd update the people listening with some of the things coming up this
weekend. BUT, first, the obligitory disclaimer - I am not the event
coordinator, so I may have one or two things wrong. So, don't sue me,
That being said, things get underway on Friday night. We have a
registration desk and a reception room set up at the hotel with munchies
and things. Later in the evening we have an evening drive set up through
the countryside, ending up at an eatery.
Saturday is the car show/display at Minter Gardens, about 20 km east of
Chilliwack. Setup is before 9am, and the cars cannot leave the gardens
until after 3pm. At 3pm, there will be a choice of 3 drives available - one
is quite short (15 mins or so), and the longest is 1 to 2 hours. The
evening will bring the banquet, and the results of silent auctions will be
announced. There will also be other announcements during the evening, but
I'm not at liberty to expand upon them.
Sunday will start with a parking lot pancake breakfast. I know that there
are other things on the go, but for the life of me, I can't remember what
else is going on Sunday.
I, too, will put a triumphs@autox.team.net sign at my car. I'm looking
forward to seeing everyone there. BTW, as of today, we have 92 cars
registerred, and are expecting another 15-20 registrations on Friday night.
See you there!
(on vacation at fbayrock@rapidnet.net)