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Re: DOT / Takin' Bob's Car for a Ride

Subject: Re: DOT / Takin' Bob's Car for a Ride
From: "Robert M. Lang" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 15:55:26 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Hi All,

In catchup mode again... or is that ketchup?

Hey, glad you took the car for a spin. I was wondering why I only got 13 MPG
on that first tank out to Minnesconsin... ;-)

Maybe next year we can have a hillclimb as part of the DOT festivities: if
you want to enter the show, you have to drive up the hill to the old mansion
in under 25 seconds or something. Hmmm. It would piss off the neighbors, but
it would sure be a great Last Day of Triumph at Larz Anderson!

Seriously - I don't really like anyone to drive the car anymore since the
last time someone drove it - the differential broke. Major bummer! 

But whatever you did to the car that day - it's okay by me. It ran "real
good" at the VTR autocross. I think I was at least 2.5 seconds quicker on
the course than any other street driven car there...

Now, if I had only picked up some new Hooooooooosiers before hand - might
have had FTD.


See ya,

p.s. the Jag guys specifically asked me not to show up at their national in
Boxboro. I wonder why? ;-)

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