Hi All,
Many thanks to:
unicorn7 [SMTP:unicorn7@mail.icnet.net]
Roger Bolick [SMTP:rgb@exact.com]
Joe Curry [SMTP:spitlist@gte.net] --
Allen Nugent [SMTP:A.Nugent@unsw.edu.au]
Lee Waters [SMTP:leew@amaonline.com]
Dombey, John R [SMTP:John.Dombey@PSS.Boeing.com]
Brian Kemp [SMTP:bk13@earthlink.net]
David Stauffacher[SMTP:dstauffa@csc.com]
for replying to my question about the TR6 engine rebuild.
A synopsis of what I've learned from them:
1) TRF carries factory leftover blocks. They currently have
~ 70 in stock and they run $300 + $20 crating fee + truck
freight to destination. TRF said the that although the blocks
are new, they will need machining to clean them up.
2) I should get a copy of the Competition Preparation Manual from TRF,
and use this as a supplement while rebuilding.
3) There are many good books at the local library that describe the type
of inspection and rebuilding I am embarking on (i.e., find old junk engine
and turn it into a reliable runner). These books generally
cover US engines, however, they have been written generically so
that the techniques can be applied to any push rod engine (I'll soon post
some titles I've found useful)
4) The various year model pieces *will* all fit together; however,
must be given to intake port alignment and earlier/later cranks and
(more to come on this topic).
5) I must keep the emissions characteristics of each year model in mind.
6) I should get a parts price quote from BPNW before committing to TRF or Moss.
7) a strip down, inspection, and simple rebuild is preferable to just getting
one of these old engines to run and hoping it will last a few months.
I am still looking at used long blocks and compiling my list of options. Still
*many* loose ends at this point. When I complete my list of required tools
and parts I will post these. At that time I will commit to a course of action
and will keep the list posted as to my progress. I hope to distill the core
of this experience into something useful for the VTR maintenance WWW
page, if there would be interest.
Thank you again for your comments and continued interest!
Mike Morelli
76 TR6 -- needing new engine