Steve, Deb & Eric Larson wrote:
> Hello everyone, This is my first post to the group and probably not my last.
> There is a great Triumph graveyard in Seymore, Wisconsin. It's operated by a
> fellow named Chris. He has just about everything. The only problem is that
> he is not too speedy with filling orders. I have searched for his address
> without success. I will post is as soon as get it from a friend.
> Steve '73 TR6
> If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort.
British Sports Car Center
Rt # 1 French Rd.
Seymour, Wi.
He is not slow on filling orders he is alone and the only employee, and
he will get to it when he has time to, so this is not slow, just
a independent small business person (but very good) and very trust
worthy, no int. etc.etc.