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Photos of a restored Spit 1500?

To: Triumphs <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, Spitfires <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Photos of a restored Spit 1500?
From: "Victor B. Michael" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:38:26 -0500
Organization: TIBCO Finance Technology Inc
Hi all,

Hopefully this isn't reaching too far out there.

I am looking for photos of a restored (show quality) 1977 (or
equivalent) Spitfire 1500. I'm particularly interested in the entire
engine compartment, but would like any photos showing detail of any of
the car.

As a possibility, if you're near Chicago, IL: Southern Wisconsin,
Northern Indiana and have a show quality 77 Spit, my fianci and I could
drive to you and take professional photos, giving you a copy. She is a

I'm interested in these photos for reference as I try to piece my Spit
back together, making sure all the parts are there, paint colors, etc..

If there are any photos you've found on an owners web site, that would
be appreciated, also.

Thanks in advance!

Victor Michael                 |
Systems Engineer               |     Voice (312) 214-2327
TIBCO Finance Technology Inc.  |     Pager (800) 759-8888
CTS, Chicago                   |             Pin# 1583904

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