Ah David,
Would that it be possible here. Similar things have been tried here and by
the time the thief's lawyers were finished suing, the thief legally owned the
originally injured parties property and income, that or the one protecting his
property was hauled to gaol for endangering the life of another. Justice
needs to take a peek under the blindfold every once in a while.
Andy D.
On 07/27/98 08:47 PM David Hill said...
>Evening All,
>Re. the thread on simple anti-theft devices, here are a couple.
>One chap got sick of people jumping into his Spitfire, not necessarily to
>steal it. So he got two 1ft. square piece of thin plywood. Drilled lots of
>tiny holes in one, pushed through lots of specially sharpened darning
>needles then glued the other piece of wood on underneath. Then, he fitted
>foam pad a little thicker than the length of the needles and added a cloth
>This seat 'cushion' worked fine, as was proved by an agonised yelp at 2
>a.m., followed by running footsteps as a youth fled with the cushion still
>attached to his butt.
>The inventor recommends a red cover for obvious reasons :-).
>The other was more serious......
>Plagued by repeated thefts of radios from his Ford, a friend rigged a BIG
>charging capacitor to a pair of wires. the wires led to two separate strips
>of aluminium cooking foil glued to the leading side of the steering wheel,
>out of sight.
>One night...BANG.....Scream......running footsetps.
>All the inventor found was some blood, and a front tooth embedded in the
>upper curve of the steering wheel. He still has the same radio.
>Yours Evilly,
>Dave Hill, UK.