On Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 00:09:01 -0700
"Michael D. Porter" <mdporter@rt66.com>
Wrote Re: Dead possums
EPaul21988@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 98-07-24 22:22:29 EDT, Gbouff@aol.com writes:
> << There were also some MGTC and other misc english parts in the tub along
> with two long dead possums, just to confuse a newbie like myself. >>
> Ahem;
> Those were not just ordinary dead possums. I have it on good authority that
> possums were widely used by US importers of the MG TC to increase the torque
> of the lightly powered TC. If you took the time to carefully inspect the
> carcases you would find that one was a male and one was a female.
Are there vendor part cross-references to retrofit to 1147cc Spits?
Cheers, Bob.
- --
My other Triumph runs, but....
Bob, what is wrong with you ?
If you have been on this list for more than 5 minutes you would surely know
that Triumphs were never fitted with Possoms. No sir, Triumphs were fitted
with Marmots from day one.
And we all know that 2 possom power is more than equalled by 2 marmot power,
and heck, they even fix your electrical problems at night!
(been on this list one day too long!)