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To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Yield
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 16:53:24 EDT
Fellow travelers;

So when did they change the definition of "yield" to: Merge with 70 mile per
hour traffic doing 35 mph? I guess that's how everyone ends up in the left
lane....avoiding all the nitwits coming from the on ramps. The driving skills
in this country have gone right out the window along with taking
responsibility for our own actions. I've yet to see the person who waits for a
break in the traffic to merge, they just cruise down the on ramp at 35 mph and
if someone doesn't brake to let them in or move to the left lane they keep on
truckin' until the ramp lane peters out. No wonder we have so much congestion
in the left lane. I saw a system in Minneapolis where the on ramps have
traffic lights that "release" cars periodically. Wow, try merging with 70 mph
traffic from a standstill.......better be drivin' a Viper! 

Yesterday I saw something that just about sums up the driving situation on
this country's roads. I passed a woman driving an Escort, the fuel filler door
was closed but the filler cap, secured by its plastic tether, was hanging

Don't get me started on speed traps and speeding tickets but I travel a
section of Route 23, between Ann Arbor and Toledo every day and I have yet to
see a Sheriff or State policeman observing the 70 mph lights no
siren just clippin' along enjoying the me, but without the
restraint of being pulled over. They set a fine example of "do as I say and
not as I do". Of course these guys are probably highly trained in the arts of
handling and high speed pursuit (tongue firmly inserted in cheek). I don't
have any problem with a police officer pulling someone over if they happen
upon a speeder in the course of crime fighting or helping the public but to
have them sit on the side of a road picking off speeders (aren't we all) rubs
me the wrong way. I'd rather see them spend the time teaching safe driving
techniques to people who lack these skills. Heck I consider myself a good
driver but there are probably skills I could brush up on. Let's get rid of the
obvious joke we call driver education and teach young people to handle skids
on wet pavements and how to drive safely in snow. We've set up attaining and
keeping a license for the lowest common denominator and the rest of us have to
avoid the idiots out there.

Sorry to stay on the soap box so long but it's been building up for months!!!

Greg Wolf
1970 GT6+ "Ian"
Ann Arbor, Michigan

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