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RE: Ignitor ignition&coil question

To: Triumph list <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Ignitor ignition&coil question
From: Tomislav Marincic <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 14:33:16 -0400
Cc: Bob <>, Martin Secrest <>

RE:"Did all that, then for some reason I was looking at the directions for
ignitor, and it said in BOLD:  Do not use an HEI Coil.  What is an HEI
coil? I couldn't find any indication on the Lucas Sport Coil that it is an
HEI.  Do I run the risk of burning out the electronic ignition with this

        No. The Lucas sport coil is not an HEI coil, it is made for
conventional ignition systems. The difference is in the internal resistance
of the coil, not just its advertised voltage capability. I've been running
a Lucas Sport coil with the Ignitor with no problems, and so have many
other people. To be absolutely certain, I called Pertronix Technical
Support, and they confirm that the Lucas Sport coil is compatible with the
Ignitor. Just make sure you are running 12 volts to the Lucas coil, whether
you use it with points or the Ignitor. I've also had good luck with .040"
gaps and NGK BP6ES plugs, but you'll have to fine tune that yourself on
your particular engine.

        Best Regards,

        Tom Marincic

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