Dr. Robert Carley wrote:
> One characteristic of the TR6 that I don't like is the way the rear end
> of the car will shift while cornering, if you lift your foot off the gas
> pedal (such as to upshift).
Several years of racing both sportscars and motorcycles (Alfa Spyder,
Sunbeam Alpine, several motocrossers) both on asphalt and dirt, I highly
recommend NOT lifting your foot off the gas in a CORNER. Do you shifting
before the corner and then keep the acceleration on at a relative constant
rate. ANY abrupt accelerating or de-celerating will "break away" the
traction when you are at the limit of adhesion.
The ultimate high, of course, is to be in a FOUR wheel drift in which the
front wheels are pointed relatively straight and ALL four wheels are "side
slipping". Steering is accomplished by minute adjustments of the
accelerator. More gas increases the relative slip of the rear wheels
relative to the front wheels, i.e., increasing sharpness of turn. Backing
off slightly does the opposite.
It takes a lot of practice; smooth, constant surface; a very proper
suspension (my ex-East-Coast-SCCA-Sunbeam) and the outside of the curve
"paved with" open grass and/or loose haybales.
Cheers, Barry
(Hope to be getting back into it with a TR3 - Anybody interesting in
selling one? Don't care about winning just want to "mix it up" in the
corners :-)