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Re: TR# Build dates and Ralph Nader

Subject: Re: TR# Build dates and Ralph Nader
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 09:09:08 -0700
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
That phenomenon can be explained by what I have been able to piece
together from the Spitfire build date information I have gotten from the
BMIHT.  From what I can ascertain, up until 1969, Triumph did not
introduce "Model year" designated cars in August/September of the
previous year the way US automakers did.  It would stand to reason that
US dealers would go ahead and attach the next year model onto cars that 
they received after the new US cars were out.  Shipping being what it
is, that would mean that some cars that were built as early as April may
have been sold as the next year model.

Actually, I have found quite often that there is quite a discrepancy in
the built vs. Licensed dates on many early Spitfires that people have

Joe Curry wrote:
> In a message dated 98-07-05 22:15:45 EDT, you write:
> > Therefore, automobile manufacturers had to switch to using the date of
> >  manufacture for the title--and stop using the date of sale.  This is why
> >  you TR6, 7 and 8 owners have never run into this problem.  It is pretty
> >  much restricted to the TR3A, TR3B, and very early TR4 owners.
> >
> Bob, close but no cigar ("...very early TR4 owners").  I know that some
> dealers continued to title the cars by the date of sale through the TR4's.
> That would mean Jan '65 - Also the TR4A's and that would take us to '67.  I'm
> not sure about TR250/5, 6, 7 and 8.  Cheers.
> Art Kelly

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