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Re: Re[2]: 79 spit electrical issues

To: <jpeckham@CCGATE.HAC.COM>, "Sumner Weisman" <>
Subject: Re: Re[2]: 79 spit electrical issues
From: "Richard Bonilla" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 12:06:18 -0600charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
thanx for the reply, i have a 160 degree thermst installed. i believe this
is the "summer" one, as it should open sooner, keeping the motor
cooler. the day the temp gauge was varying directly w/the rmp's was
very hot (95 - 100)...mabey it was accurately reflecting the temp..?? the
petrol gauge was acting fine...neither one was "jumping around"...

>        Unless your petrol gauge is moving around strangley it is not a
>problem as both gauges are wired together from the voltage stabalizer, so
>"in" is the same for both gauges, then from there is goes to the sender
which is
>just a variable resistor, which as the water gets warmer the resistance
>down and the gauge moves to the right (hotter). Think of it as an ohm meter
>ohms replaced by "temp or petrol". Make sure the thermostat is working by
>putting in a pan of water and bringing it to boil and see that it opens, a
>thermometer in the water is nice to know at what temp it opens. Is the
>half clogged? a rodding out could be in order,maybe a whole cooling system
>flush. Its amazing what kind of crud can come out.Hope this helps

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