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Re: TR6 relative merits: '71 v. '73?

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: TR6 relative merits: '71 v. '73?
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 11:24:36 EDT
In a message dated 98-06-26 07:12:52 EDT, writes:

<< would anyone care to debate the decision to
 buy it over a comparable '73?  I'm interested to know, for example,
 about the rear suspension changes that occurred after 1971 ... >>

Hello Martin
I went thru this thought process about 16 years ago when I bought 
my 2nd TR6. My first was a 74 - I looked for (and bought) a 73 because
I liked the front spoiler and the union jack TR6 decal on the 73s and 
hated the bumper overiders which started in 74.

Other considerations: 
CC series (72 and earlier) cars have slightly different frames from
CF series (73 and later) cars in the rear gearbox mounting area.
Change was made to accomodate the J-overdrive available in 73 and later.
The net result is (I THINK I've got this right) you can put an A-overdrive
gearbox in any TR6 (using proper bracket 73 and later) but you can't
put a J-overdrive in a 72 or earlier without altering the frame. 

The engines: at the risk of over generalization - in stock trim you find 
a little more power and higher compression in earlier CC series engines.
(My 73 came conveniently came fitted- by the DPO- with a much earlier higher 
compression CC series engine)

Rear suspension changes ? I must be missing something here. I
thought the only change was in the trailing arm mounting brackets.
Was there some other change ?  If not, this is not that hard to update
and I don't thing even concours judges are going to count the notches
on your trailing arm brackets.

In conclusion: factoring in your own styling preferences and originality
concerns (if any), buy the best example you can find. i.e. don't pass up 
a really good deal on a really good 71 to keep looking for a 73.
(my 2 cents)

Jack Mc

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