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Monza on 74 TR6

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Monza on 74 TR6
From: (Keith S. Ehrlich)
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 11:08:06 -0400
Organization: Dyax Corp
I had my Monza dual exhaust system installed yesterday by the local boys
at Midas. Bought it from British Parts NorthWest. $188 including freight
and mounting hardware, in stock and delivered when promised. Good deal
by my reckoning.(by the way, they have some TR6 padded rollbar covers
they are trying to unload for $35, vs VB and TRF sat $60-I got one and
its good)

When I got there last evening, they still had it up on the lift to show
me their work-actually quite a good job-remarkably the existing mounting
points and nuts and bolts on the car could actually still be used. Then
they showed me where a spark from the torch set my _still cardboard_
tranny tunnel on fire!! They sure were surprised to see it was made of
paper. I sure was surprised it's still on this car. They fixed the burn
holes with duct tape and told me they would only charge half price for
labor to cover the damage. Total labor, net: $60. Visible damage-none
worth mentioning.

So then they get it off the lift and start it up and back it out,
immediately setting off the theft alarm on my other car-good sign! The
four chrome extensions under the bumper definitely do the visual trick,
the yellow trim now matching my yellow rollbar. I listen to it idle-yep,
deep and nice as I remember hearing at the shows, though I never
actually _rode_ in one with the Monzas. 

I drive home. Man are these LOUD in the car!( Ok, you listers warned
me)  Kind of like the rumbling bass out of bazooka tubes at full volume
but without the pounding. OK, thats fine! I once played electric bass so
those frequencies are a bit burnt out anyways-no loss.

I get home and encounter wife in driveway. Oh boy. I sheepishly ask how
it sounds, figuring I'm really in trouble now. She says it sounds much
better and, _get this_, easier on her ears than the old [stock] system! 
I can't believe it-what planet am I on?!( We'll see if she ever rides in
it again after the first time , though.)

So I go inside and find my two daughters watching the "Spice World"
video. They convince me I really should sit down and watch it ( secretly
I wanted to). Next scene is "the Chief" played by Roger Moore saying  (
as he feeds a baby bottle  to a squirming piglet):

"Let us enjoy this Triumph while we can before the hounds of catastrophe
break loose and slobber chaos all over our faces once again!"


I drive to work in the TR6 today. The Monzas are real loud. I look for
women hiding their children. I notice the sound volume go down
considerably once over 60MPH ( OK, no problem here! ;-)). I pull into
the parking garage, setting off alarms on all five floors that I
traverse to my spot. It's now an hour later-my ears are still ringing.

So that's my experience so far FWIW to those considering Monzas. I don't
know how long I will last with them, but for now they are definitely
cool. So much for the stereo system. I'll invest in earplugs tomorrow.

Keith Ehrlich
74 TR6
"Huh? I'm sorry officer, what did you say?..."

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