Hello Jim,
That's all excellent advice. Thanks. Sorry, the hand crank is gone. I
had several requests.
Jim, I don't want to start the whole big discussion again pro and con
adding electric fans in LBCs, it went on for weeks. Let me just say that I
had serious overheating problems with the Triumph, and although it's no
longer authentic, the fan made all the problems go away. The temp gage
sits at 185 degrees F even in hot weather stalled in traffic, like it was
painted on. 'Nuf said about that. I think my fan is 12 inches in
diameter, and I didn't particularly try to keep the crank hole open.
Possibly it could be done, and of course there are smaller fans. Speaking
of not being authentic, I also put in an electronic ignition and a Sport
I hadn't thought about roof tar (I have two buckets of the stuff) to seal
the floor patch, because I NEVER take the car out in the rain -- but it
sure could rain while on a trip sometime. Good idea.
Sumner Weisman
62 TR-3B
> From: JAMES_S_WALLACE@HP-Canada-om1.om.hp.com
> To: sweisman@gis.net
> Subject: Hand crank, fan, flooring
> Date: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 12:30 PM
> Hi Sumner,
> I am missing the hand crank from my TR3a, and eventually would like
> get one. It's not high on my list though, so if you find after a
> that yours is still kicking around and you'd be willing to let it go
> for less I may be interested then. Actually, I can't see ever using
> besides for showing people for fun, but maybe I'm over-estimating
> Lucas. Also, if you know of one in lesser condition I'd probably be
> more into that one; I'm not a purist.
> Secondly, I anticipate that someday I will get this car running, and
> will likely have cooling problems like everyone else. I have seen
> car where the electric fan was mounted fairly high up, and I thought
> it would have cleared the crank hole in the rad (only that car had a
> rad without the hole). Is there room for both the fan and to use the
> hand crank?
> Third, with regard to your flooring question, make sure the rivets
> steel, not aluminum, or there'll be that dissimilar-metal problem in
> no time. I do the pop-rivet thing routinely and have found that
> roofing tar (Mulco brand is good) makes a great sealant. The
> easy to work with and it does keep out the water. There are some
> brands that are kind of runny which will work but are more messy.
> Also, get twice as many 1/8" drill bits as you think you'll break
> save a trip to the store!
> Regards,
> Jim Wallace