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It won't start

To: "triumph list" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: It won't start
From: "Jane Burdekin" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 11:11:20 -0600
Last weekend I ran out of gas, duh.  The gauge doesn't work, I just blew
it.  So anyway it's really dry now, and I put some gas in.  I changed the
spark plugs and gapped them at .035 instead of .025 because I working on
getting it to pass the Colorado emmissions test.  I also changed the
condensor and points (gapped at .015).  Now it tries to start but can't
quite catch on.  I'm going to put some more gas in, premium this time and
see if it will go.  Any ideas on why else it might not start?  Help is

'67 GT6

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