Having been on this list for a year of so now,I am still trying to find
a good TR3 or TR4.I have rebuilt a TR2 before so I am a bit fussy about
the car I want,and living in the highlands of Scotland doesn't help
I have spoken with a number of dealers in the States with the view of
importing a car,but they all seem to be having problems finding good
cars.The reason for this, I have decided is that you lot have got them
I can't help noticing that some of you have 5 or 6 TRs and even the odd
healey for good measure.Now I know we sent them to you in the first
place,but why did we have to send so many?
I feel the only way to remedy this problem is to ration you all to two
TRs each.All surplus cars should be returned to the U.K. for distribution
among deserving TR register members, ie ME!!
One final point,it would be greatly appreciated is the cars could be
returned to right hand drive before shipping.
Looking forward to the home coming.