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Seized SU's

To: <>
Subject: Seized SU's
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 20:42:17 +0100
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

Drain off the penetrating oil you've used and then try CAREFULLY applying
some heat around the dashpot itself. Something like a gas blowtorch is what
I have in mind. Obviously, ensure you've taken out the 'doofery' from the
dashpot top and the whole assembly is off the engine itself! We don't want
nice hot flames going near the fuel inlet feed!
I'd suggest keeping the actual flame off the metal itself but bring it
close enough for the invisible really hot bit to do its stuff. A good idea
if you put the top on something metal which you can rotate as you wave the
flame back and forth across the cover. You only want a little bit of
expansion to break the rust seal.
A pair of good thick leather gloves would be a sensible precaution as well.

John Macartney

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