>> From: S. Smart [SMTP:75270.3703@compuserve.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 1998 2:35 PM
>> I would kind of like to get the key warning buzzer to work.
>scott, can't help you with the wiring in your car but let me offer this
>comment. I recently rewired my buzzer just to see what it sounds like
>inaction. Suffice it to say that the buzzer with the key in the ignition is
>one of the most annoying things I have heard. I concluded this one evening
>while working on my car in a way which required frequent exits from the car
>to do something under the hood and then back in the car. I left the key in
>all this time. Pretty soon the buzzer was a real PITA. I promptly
>disconnected it again.
I have to admit, this isn't a burning problem (compared to, say,
keeping the clutch hydraulics working!!). It's just when you go
through all the work of rebuilding your interior and start playing
with the electricals, enquiring minds want to know what some of
miscellaneous bits do under there.
scott s.