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slave cylinder boot

To: "''" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: slave cylinder boot
From: "Linda Long (IM)" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 20:50:05 -0400
I was rebuilding the slave cylinder on my TR6 this weekend using the kit
supplied by TRF.  That kit has two rubber boots (or dust covers).  One
is used if the cylinder has the small lip and the other is used if the
cylinder has the larger lip.  Both are supplied and only one is used
depending on your lip (no pun intended).  Mine used the larger boot.

Since I now have a small boot a thought occurred to me.  How 'bout
seeing if some one else there has a cylinder that uses this smaller
boot, has bought a rebuild kit, has squired the leftover "larger" boot
away.  Email me if you'd like to trade my small boot for your large
boot.  My experience has been the boots tend to deteriorate b4 the
entire cylinder need to be rebuilt.

bye for now

Tom Long


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