You may want to try and use a really long screwdriver to move the hood latch.
At 11:31 PM 4/26/98 -0400, Jon Moody wrote:
>Hi all,
>I finally got my 71TR6 to my garage after it being stored at my mothers
>house for 1.5 years (thanks mom!!) and the release cable is broken. If
>I look in the engine bay from the front of the car, it looks like there
>is a cable going towards the passenger side. On my 73 the release cable
>goes to the drivers side ( which is where the broken one was in the '71)
>I've looked all around the passnger side footwell and dont see anything.
> Any ideas as to what this cable could be and or how to get my bonnet
>open? I've never seen the engine in this beast - getting
>anxious!! Thanks.
>Jon Moody