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Best compliment...

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Best compliment...
From: Dave Terrick <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 10:28:35 -0500
Well,  I've never owned a Harley and now wear "presentable" clothes
rather than raggy stuff - even when I go to the local parts store to get
bits (ugh).

Anyway,  FWIW,  the general shape of the GT6 seems to evoke smiles from
everybody.  Jasmine yellow,  Revolution 4 spoke wheels,  a big number "7"
on the doors over an 18" roundel and sports car club stickers on the
quarter vents.

EVERYBODY comments on the cars.

-the local under 10 yrs crowd have asked for my autograph (famous racing
car driver - bet my signed photo shows up at school soon)

-those boomers who "had one or wrecked one" love the restoration

but best of all

Those backwards baseball cap wearing 20 something "punks" driving
Camaros, Mustangs, and other assorted "I can make a car payment" cars
look admiringly and nod - shortly after they realize their girlfriends
have been checking  me out (or is it the car - ah, gestalt).

There.  To quote <underline>Talk Show's</underline> current hit here
"ev-ery-bo-ddy - loves my car!"


Dave Terrick

Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

"...The Eludium Few 35 Space Modulaatooor!  

That Earth Creature has Stolen the  Space Modulatooor"

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