On April 14 you wrote:
"I just received a 'Friendly Reminder' from 6Pack that my
membership expired with the last issue and that I am not
receiving this issue of the magazine - that was a surprise as
I had no 'Friendly Reminder' before it expired. Has this
happened to anyone else?
I think I'll just stick with VTR.
Chris Bullock
Colchester, VT
1970 TR6 PI CP51686 O"
I'm sorry I'm late responding but I haven't been reading the digest lately due
to time constraints. To answer your question, yes, it has happened to other
people, in fact, it happens to everyone. Everyone also has printed on their
mailing label the volume and issue that their membership will be good through,
and everyone has the word "last" printed on thier mailing label to notify them
they have recieved their last issue.
Those who recieve these cards are given the option of renewing their
membership and having the issue they missed mailed to them.
There is always room for improvement in any volunteer organization - and there
is always room for one more volunteer to help get the job done right. Instead
of publicly complaining about the renewal cards - which at one time didn't
even exist and were instituted by Bev Floyd, 6-Pack's excellant Membership
Secretary - you could have contacted Bev directly (her email address is in
every newsletter) with a constructive suggestion.
Enjoy the VTR...
Kerry Fores
Editor, 6-Pack