After recieving my "insult of the week" it got me to thinkng about
the best compliment that I had recieved.
Around 18 or so years ago I was pretty heavy into harleys. I was
living in Denver at the time and every weekend that I could get off
from work I would be on my bike in the mountains. One saturday
afternoon after a 3 hour ride or so I pulled into a gas station/food
store in Nederland Colorado. At that stage of my life I had the
someone long hair, ratty jeans and after three hours on a bike a
fairly wind blown look! Anyway, I was leaning against the bike
drinking a beverage and a middle aged couple pulled up next to me.
They both got out and as they were walking by the lady stops, looks
at me, looks at her husband and then looks back at me and says, "you
know young man, you are the envy of every american male". All I
could do was smile at her. THAT made my day for many days to come.
Just had to share it.
Brad (In Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
1964 Spitfire4 BFC25720L (Back on the Road!!!!!)
1966 TR4A CT72398L (Car is finally home and ready for
1951 Dodge Truck 82217766 B-3-B-108 (Frame back in garage and ready to