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Re: American car gripe (WARNING: -5% LBC content)

Subject: Re: American car gripe (WARNING: -5% LBC content)
From: "Larry Hooven" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 21:52:04 PDT
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
after cowering for over a week, i can verify this fact.........can i 
come out of my corner now?????

----Original Message Follows----
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 21:21:06 -0700
From: Joe Curry <>
To: "Tom O'Malley" <>
CC: Andrew Mace <>,
Subject: Re: American car gripe (WARNING: <5% LBC content)

I've heard (but can't actually verify) that you have never been attacked
until you've been Maced!!!!

Joe Curry

Tom O'Malley wrote:
> Andy writes...
> >You are WRONG, Castrol-breath!
> Hahahah!  Forgive me for laughing but can this message really be
> coming from the mild-mannered Mr. Mace?
> snip...
> >So some [LBC content] Herald [end LBC content] that gave its life 
> >years ago now has yielded a couple of small nuts, bolts and washers 
> >hold up the new spare tire winch until such time (if ever) I feel 
> >yanking it back off the car and taking it to the hardware store to 
> >"proper" bolts.
> Ah!  There it is then.  This unfortunate episode required dipping into
> Andy's Herald parts reserve.
> That Ford dealer has NO IDEA of how close he came to seeing the "wrath
> of Mace" !  :-)
> Cheers!
> Tom O'Malley in Southbridge Massachusetts
> '74, '77 Spits, LSMFT

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 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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