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Re. PI and Mocal-second try

To: <Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re. PI and Mocal-second try
From: "David Hill" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 20:54:38 +0100
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To: David Hill <>
Date: 13 April 1998 20:33
Subject: Undeliverable Message

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>Subject:       Re. PI and Mocal
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>Hi, Roger.
>Thanks for the reply.
>First of all, please don't get me wrong. I don't mean to suggest you are
>anything other than very careful or very perfect. On the contrary, your
>reporting the problems you had with a Mocal adaptor most likely saved me
>from wrecking my block. Obviously, I am extremely grateful to you for the
>I've fitted the adaptor this afternoon and yes, there are problems. The
>instructions suggested fitting the unit with the smaller of the two inner O
>rings, with a piece of Plasticene to indicate the sealing or otherwise.
>the smaller ring, the Plasticene was flattened to a depth of about 1/32" at
>12 lb/ft tightening torque. Choosing the thicker O ring, I fitted the unit,
>filled up and started the engine. Oil everywhere, leaking from the outer
>Then, I tried using the thinner O ring on the inner seal land. This
>matters to the extent that leakage was reduced to a modest dripping, more
>with the engine hot.
>Tightening to 15lb/ft hasn't helped as yet.
>It seems to me that I have arrived at the same point as you did, with a
>perimeter leak with the thin inner seal. Since there's room for that seal
>spread a little, I'm going to leave the arrangement to settle for 24 hours.
>On the basis that the inner seal might compress just enough to allow the
>outer O ring to seal.
>If that doesn't work, I'm sending the thing back, although I haven't seen
>TRF adaptors on sale in the UK. In any event, there's no way I'm going
>beyond 15lb/ft torque.
>Re. my PI. Sorry, Roger, I'm not selling it. My intention is to use carbs
>temporarily and sort out the PI at my leisure.
>So, thanks again for the warning about the block fitting.
>Dave Hill

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