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Undisciplined parents

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Undisciplined parents
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 10:09:20 +0100
A small anecdote from BMIHT happenings over the weekend. Saturday afternoon
saw a Mum and Dad with four kids - whether all theirs or not, I don't know.
Suffice it to say the kids were everywhere, climbing over the exhibits,
opening doors and generally being an absolute pest. At different times
during their visit, those of us who were in attendance, challenged both
kids and parents with progressively more severity to behave themselves in
the interests of their own safety - as well in an attempt to ensure the
vehicles remained undamaged. The parents were oblivious to the kids antics
and just whined "they're having fun."
When they'd gone (which was just before we chucked them out) a tour of the
Triumph's section revealed a Triumph 2000 Saloon with a kicked-in front
licence plate. It's probably beyond repair and while it can be replaced
with 'just another plate' it won't match the one at the rear as that style
is no longer made. Only time will reveal other damage attributable to these
wretched denizens of humanity. Otherwise, it was a fun weekend. Sunday saw
the AC Owners Club holding speed runs on the north car park, the VW GTI
club had a meet and a delightful collection of upwards of 30 pre-war Morgan
three-wheelers. These all arrived in open air rig - though some had sadly
left their tops at home and to their disadvantage. When going home time
arrived, it was in the middle of a thunderstorm. There's little more
incongruous sight than a Morgan appearing to drive itself under a jumbo
golf umbrella.
A good day - and lots of visitors
John Macartney
Now in the same museum as the cars he sold when they were new

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